Bingo : If 4 dogs are crossing a river, how many dogs are crossing it?
Doggie : 4?
Bingo : Naahhh.. It's uncountable..
Doggie : ha? How is that ever possible?
Binggo : You forgot to count for 'dogs-fleas'. hahahahaha..
Doggie : @#$%^&*..
Bingo : If 4 dogs are crossing a river, how many dogs are crossing it?
Doggie : 4.
Bingo : Naahhh.. It's uncountable..
Doggie : ha? How is that ever possible?
Binggo : You forgot to count for 'dogs-fleas'. hahahahaha..
Doggie : No. You are wrong. I bathed the dogs before they crossed the river. So, there are only 4 dogs crossing it.
Bingo : !@#$%^&