Monday, March 26, 2012

Epic Fail ..== *sigh

Monday, March 26, 2012
It's almost 3am yet I still here in my blog's page. Do you know why? Because I spent 4hours just to change my blog's template and still, did you notice it? Yeaaahhhh.. None suit me. I found lots of beautiful templates but none are good enough as this one. None suit my last posts. Smiley

So, after 4 hours struggling so HARD, I decided not to choose any and stick with my current skin. I'm soooo pissssseeeeeeddddd.Smiley

  I'll scream out loud if it isn't 3 in the morning.  Macam mo malatup ne sa rasa. .Smiley

So, who ever read my post, do recommend me a good site for nice templates which you think suit my blog. .

 quoted Hagemaru : Apa yang kita cari, tak semestinya apa yang kita mahu.

well, he's right about that. Maybe I shouldn't had a thought of changing my template. maybe what I've done just now is simply comparing my template with others - and my current template win! 
 pa2la .kin malas sija. .
Tidur laini. .Smiley 



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